Here are the main major contracts:
The artist's contract which governs the various rights and commitments of the parties in the production but also the percentage distribution of the various partners. "the artist's contract must include three concepts: recording, exploitation of the recording, promotion of the recording. The contract is generally exclusive in order to promote long-term follow-up.
An artist or group usually signs a licensing agreement with a label that wants to market a musical project. In other words, signing a license agreement is equivalent to allowing a label to hold the rights to sell a music project. This contract must contain in particular a duration but also a territorial limit if necessary. It offers an exclusive exploitation to the label. This one will promote and market the author's music in exchange for a percentage that may prove to be quite high but which at the same time can generate more sales since the label has the knowledge and the network that allows it to make more "sales" or at least to promote an artist more intensely.
The purpose of the music publishing contract is to promote the dissemination of the work.

Contracts with agents to set up concerts and tours.
Not all these contracts require written form, although it is strongly recommended in order to clarify the roles and commitments made by each party.
There are also management contracts.
We have all these contracts at our disposal and would be happy to make you an offer according to your needs.
[1] Bigotti, Jean-Noël (2011), Je monte mon label : guide pratique du producteur de phonogrammes. Paris : IRMA, p.36

1860 Aigle, Suisse
